
Zhao Bin
Tel: 86-10-62779995
Fax: 86-10-62773461
E-mail: [email protected]

Department of Building Science, School of Architecture

Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, P. R. China

Tel: 86-10-62779995

Fax: 86-10-62773461

Email: [email protected] 



Ÿ   Ph.D. Tsinghua University, China, July 2002, Major in Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning Engineering

Ÿ   B.Sc. Tsinghua University, July 1997, Major in Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning Engineering,

Ÿ   Secondary B.Sc. Tsinghua University, July 1997, Major in Environmental Engineering



Ÿ   Professor (12/2012-Date) Dept. of Building Science, School of Architecture, Tsinghua University

Ÿ   Associate professor (12/2005-11/2012) Dept. of Building Science, School of Architecture, Tsinghua University

Ÿ   Assistant professor (07/2004-11/2005) Dept. of Building Science, School of Architecture, Tsinghua University

Ÿ   Postdoctoral fellow (09/2002-07/2004) Dept. of Engineering Mechanics, Tsinghua University



Ÿ   4 NSFC projects

Ÿ   2 projects of the 13th-five-year project

Ÿ   1 project from Energy Foundation

Ÿ   1 project of the 12th-five-year project



Ÿ   Indoor air quality (IAQ)

Ÿ   Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation of fluid flow and heat/mass transfer in built environment and services

Ÿ   Air cleaning technology and ventilation



Ÿ   Associate Editor, Building Simulation: An International Journal

Ÿ   Editor Board Member, Building and Environment

Ÿ   Special Issue Editor, Atmospheric Environment

Ÿ   Reviewer for GRF, NSFC

Ÿ   Peer Reviewer for 35 international peer-reviewed journals



Ÿ   Best Paper Award of Indoor and Built Environment                                                    2019

Ÿ   Best Paper Award of Particuology                                                                                       2018

Ÿ   Fellow of the Academy of ISIAQ                                                                                             2016

Ÿ   IAQVEC 2016: Best Paper Award                                                                      2016

Ÿ   Indoor Air 2014: Best Poster Award                                                                  2014

Ÿ   Second Prize of Natural Science of the Ministry of Education (The first winner)    2013

Ÿ   Best Paper Award of Building and Environment                                                2012

Ÿ   Excellent Young Researcher, by Tsinghua University                                      2011

Ÿ   New Century Excellent Talents in University (NCET-07-0502), by Ministry of Education, P.R China                                                                                                    2007

Ÿ   Best Paper Award of Building Simulation: an International Journal                    2009

Ÿ   First-class award of the excellent papers for young researchers in Beijing, by Beijing Association of Science and Technology                                                           2009

Ÿ   Scopus Future Star of Science Award, by Elsevier and Science News China            2009

Ÿ   Outstanding award for post doctorial, by Tsinghua University                              2004

Teaching awards:

Ÿ   Supervisor of excellent doctor thesis, by Tsinghua University                                                                                                     2021, 2018,2016

Ÿ   Supervisor of excellent master thesis, by Tsinghua University                                                                                                     2020, 2013, 2012

Ÿ   Mentoring Award, by Tsinghua University                                                                                                                                      2021

Ÿ   Teaching Excellence Award, by Tsinghua University                                                                                                                      2019

Ÿ   Excellent Course: Air cleaning technology, by Tsinghua University                                                                                             2015

Ÿ   Second-class outstanding award for Teaching, by Tsinghua University                                                                                       2012

Ÿ   First-class outstanding award for advisers of Student Research Training (SRT), by Tsinghua University                                2008-2020



Ÿ   Air cleaning technology

Ÿ   Numerical modeling of indoor airflow

Ÿ   Building services: Basic of HVAC systems

Ÿ   Environmental Health — Seminar

Ÿ   Indoor air quality — Seminar

Ÿ   New trends in HVAC— Seminar



Professor Zhao Bin has published over 100 peer-reviewed international journal articles in the field of indoor air, with over 4000 citations and H-index 35 on Web of Science Core Collection, and over 6500 citations and H-index 45 on Google Scholar (till 2021.7).


The main publication lists of Dr. Zhao can be found via:

Web of Science:  //www.researcherid.com/rid/B-5158-2012

Google Scholar:  //scholar.google.com/citations?user=QOfauRYAAAAJ&hl=en

Research Gate:   //www.researchgate.net/profile/Bin_Zhao

Scopus:                 //www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=56547817400

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